Isaiah was reminding the people of Judah to trust God’s promises even in the hardest times. He was encouraging them to remember that God is sovereign. Even in God’s discipline, he extends grace...
Today’s verses are some of the most well-known verses in the Bible. Did you know Psalm 23 is all about God’s name Jehovah Rohi (pronounced row-hi)? Jehovah Rohi means The Lord our Shepherd. This...
There’s a high ropes course element at Camp Paradise called Footsteps of the Father. It’s 15 feet off the ground, has no handrails, but it’s still a father-child favorite at Dads Camp. When my...
I had difficulty keeping up with my life—a split classroom of 5th and 6th graders and a strawberry blonde, feisty chick of my own at home. Suddenly, I began to lose weight, all pep, and finally went...
I’ve always been what I call a “fair-weather journaler.” I don’t have a steady, consistent rhythm of journaling, but instead use it as a practice (for better or worse) when things feel really...
I don’t typically remember my dreams. Most mornings, I wake up wondering if I dreamt at all. Except for one I had a few years ago. I had a dream that not only did I remember, but it felt different....
Can you even imagine what gift you would bring to Jesus and His family if you had the opportunity? The wise men, or Magi, brought gifts of spices and treasure chests of great wealth.