'The deepest vocational question is not, “What ought I to do with my life?” It is the more elemental and demanding, “Who am I? What is my nature?”’ Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak.
In March 2020, Coronavirus threatened our Illinois cities, towns, and neighborhoods. A reported 10,030 died from the virus by November. The health department guidelines urged us to wash our hands...
“Family is everything” rolls off the tongue. This mantra is promoted by pro athletes after wins and losses, by actors at award ceremonies, and scores of devoted grandparents and parents.
My personality prefers binaries—black or white, right or wrong, true or false. Over the years, I have prayed that God would help me understand and see the gray—including the beauty that often...
Last summer, I sensed that God was getting ready to do something huge in my life. In anticipation, I ended the lease on my place, put all my things in storage, and waited for God to say, “Go.”
At Willow, part of our DNA is our heart for compassion and justice. Most people relate to the concept of compassion and have little hesitancy in advocating for the compassionate treatment of others.
In Monday’s devotional, we discussed how following God is less about making sure we get to heaven when we die and more about representing God on the earth now. Today, we’re picking up this...
From the beginning, humans were created to live and thrive in nature. Adam and Eve were birthed in a garden, charged with its care and tending and given safety and provision in return.