No Time Limit

Lindsey Zarob, Content Manager, Central Ministries | February 28, 2025

Abraham and Sarah were already very old, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing. So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?”

Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”
Genesis 18:11-14

I remember being young in my career, working in public relations at an international agency in downtown Chicago and seeing for the first time a 30 Under 30 list. If you’re not familiar, they are found in a variety of industries, basically highlighting up-and-coming professionals. They are a select few who seem to have the “it” factor. I was never on the 30 Under 30 list. Not long after I saw 30 Under 30 for the first time, I saw 40 Under 40. The same kind of thing, only these folks were steps from the C-suite if not already there.  

Lists like this, and culture at large, make us think there is an age limit to our worth. It’s as  if once we hit a certain decade, all the experience and wisdom we have gained aren’t needed anymore. It’s time to sit back and, well, possibly do nothing. The thing is, there isn’t really anything biblical about that kind of thinking. 

Today’s Scripture throws the idea of there being an age limit to our usefulness out the window. Sarah laughed at the idea of bearing a child after she was “old and worn out”, but God had other plans. She didn’t know it at the time, but she was going to be one of the most consequential women in all of history. Not even human biology could stand in the way of God’s plan for her life. 

I’m reminded of a woman whose husband was highly influential in Christian radio. For years, she supported his ministry and stood by his side. Her life was spent being his support and anchor. The day finally came when he was called home to Jesus, and there she was, all alone, wondering what was hers to do. As the days and months progressed following his passing, she was in conversation after conversation with other widows. It was as if God kept bringing these women to her. Eventually, it dawned on her that God was creating the ministry that He needed her to lead—one that cared for the widows and helped them see if you’re still alive, God is not done with you. 

We may think there is a time limit to see “success” in our lives. But God’s truth is there is no time limit to our usefulness, nor can we ever predict God’s timeline for the purpose He has set out for us. What we can be confident of is that if we are still breathing, we have purpose on this side of eternity. 

Next Steps

Are you struggling with your purpose and wondering if you missed your chance? (Spoiler alert: you didn’t.) Consider writing out an honest prayer to God today. Tell Him how you feel and what you long for.