Walk Wisely In The Dark

Dan Lovaglia, Camp Pastor, Camp Paradise | October 14, 2024

Because the patriarchs were jealous of Joseph, they sold him as a slave into Egypt. But God was with him and rescued him from all his troubles. He gave Joseph wisdom and enabled him to gain the goodwill of Pharaoh king of Egypt. So Pharaoh made him ruler over Egypt and all his palace.
Acts 7:9-10

Have you ever been in the dark? I mean, really in the dark? I once toured an underground cavern. Our guide led us down a narrow, steep spiral staircase deep inside the rock. She explained all kinds of geological facts, but the only part that has stuck with me is when she turned off the lights. It was pitch black. No one could see anything. I put my hand up to my face. Nothing. Complete darkness. While it was a little scary, none of us panicked. Instead, we trusted our guide to keep us safe, turn the lights on and lead us back to higher ground.

Walking in the light is a whole lot easier than moving forward in the dark. But both are part of life. The question is, how can you and I walk wisely when we can’t see?

Joseph, like many other Biblical examples, shows us how living in integrity sets us up to receive and put godly wisdom into practice. He didn’t panic when his brothers dumped him in a well. He didn’t lose his bearings when he was sold as a slave and dragged to a foreign land. He didn’t freak out when he was imprisoned for a false accusation. He didn’t collapse under the weight of leading a nation through a famine. Joseph walked through a lot of darkness, but his integrity, fortified by trust and courage, allowed him to lean into and live out God’s wisdom.

You and I will likely never encounter the severe challenges Joseph had to face. But we will have regular opportunities to walk wisely in the dark. Opportunities like working faithfully all day and clocking out at the agreed time. Or admitting you miscalculated instead of signing off and sending a document pretending it’s flawless. Opportunities like lovingly confronting a family member, friend, or colleague. Or owning up to your need but lack of accountability around your anger, gossip, addiction, resentment, violence, apathy, or host of other vices.

The steps you take in life—especially in the dark—test, strengthen, and reveal our integrity, the core of our character. Our ability to understand and do what God says is best gets uncovered when only you and Him are watching. Are you up for learning to walk wisely when you’re in the dark today?

Next Steps

If you want proven advice for how to walk wisely in the dark, read 1 Peter 3:8-18. These verses will challenge you to grow in godly integrity, especially in the face of darkness in this world. Which verses or instructions speak to you most? What is a step you will take today to walk wisely with God instead of on your own? Pray and ask God to guide you to respond like Christ today.