He’s Perfect So We Don’t Have To Be

Lindsey Zarob, Content Manager, Central Ministries | October 1, 2024

I will proclaim the name of the Lord.
    Oh, praise the greatness of our God!
He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
    and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
    upright and just is he.
Deuteronomy 32:3-4

I often say I’m a recovering perfectionist. And while I’m usually joking, there’s also some truth to it. Perfectionism can show up in different ways. I had a friend who would rewrite her journal entries if she felt they were too messy. I get that, but that isn’t me. I have a family member whose garage floor was so clean you could eat off it. When they hosted Thanksgiving, they moved the cars out so they could use the space for folding tables to set the food on. It’s just that clean. That’s not me either, as much as my husband probably wishes it was. 

I’m more the type that is terrified of doing the wrong thing and, therefore, has battled with thinking my choices have to be perfect. Which can then manifest into fear that I look like I have no idea what I’m doing. The reality is I will never make perfect choices because there probably isn’t one perfect choice, and also, I’m human, which is easier for me to say than accept!

Here’s the bigger truth that trumps all that, though. God is perfect, so we don’t have to try to be or pretend to be. What does that have to do with anything? Everything! 

After you live a little while on this journey we call faith, you notice how perfect God is. He can take any decision you make—whether you think it’s the best one or not—and use it for our good and His glory.

When I was a college student, I was confident I would be a business major. That is until I took one semester of classes and realized there was nothing I liked about business. What was I going to major in now? The whole reason I had picked the university I was attending was because of its business school. Even when I wasn’t following God with my whole heart, He was perfectly orchestrating how each imperfect decision would bring me to where I am today. I ended up majoring in journalism—on a whim—and years later, writing became the very thing God has used in ways I could never have imagined. 

We worship a perfect God so we don’t have to be perfect. I pray that brings you freedom and confidence (in God, not yourself) today!

Next Steps

Meditate on today’s Scripture. Then, spend some time reflecting on where in your life you need to grow in trusting your perfect Father. Try journaling about it and talking with God to see what He might have to say.