The Best Offense Is A Good Defense
Kerri Ash, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | June 14, 2024

But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 3:3
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1
“My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.”
Isaiah 32:18
In most sports games, there are offensive plays and defensive plays. The same idea can be used to describe the spiritual war that wages around us.
God invites us to choose Him and His presence, but the enemy wants to get in the way. They are engaging in a battle for our souls. God tells us throughout Scripture that He is our protector and is bigger than the enemy, and because of this, even amidst the battle, we can live in a state of peace and contentment. So our “offensive play,” or attack, is to keep our eyes on God and look for Him in everything, engaging in near-constant chit-chat with Him throughout our day, the best we can, remembering that God is always for us.
That said, it is wise to also have an effective defense. Below are some actions that we can take in this spiritual battle using the tools that God gives us to defend ourselves, our loved ones, and our homes. The most important thing is that our heart is to give all the glory, attention, and honor to God—not the enemy. So employing these tools with a spirit of awe, wonder, and joy for our Father, rather than a spirit of fear of the enemy, is critical.
- Praying the Armor of God over self and others:
In Ephesians 6:10-20, Paul lists out the actual pieces of the armor of God. Imagine God and His all-encompassing power there with you as you take each piece and put it on—you can even do the motions! As you do so, invite God into the experience, thanking and praising Him for providing you with His armor for the battle. (More info on the Armor of God here.)
- Pray Psalm 91 over yourself and others:
Psalm 91 has a rich history of being a Psalm of protection. I often personalize this Psalm by praying it in first person (“I”), praying it to God using “You” throughout, or praying it over my people by inserting their names.
- Praying and worshiping through your home:
Sometimes the Spirit leads me to pray through my home. I walk into each room praying for the people that sleep in them, the friends and family that visit in them, the meals made and served in them, and for the actual structure—really for all the comings and goings in this place we call home.
- Worship music playing in the background of your home:
I have an old fashioned radio in my kitchen set to the local Christian music station 24/7. I love it when spontaneous worship breaks out within my family through a hum, a chorus or even a little dance! Let my home be a home of worship!
As you pray for God’s protection throughout your home and your life, notice the peace and joy that fills it.
Next Steps
Take a moment and thank God for being the most amazing Protector and to help you to trust Him as such. As you begin to regularly engage in protective prayer for yourself and your family, notice how your trust in God and His plan, as well as your God-promised peace, increase!