Called and Secure
Kathryn Tack, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | July 21, 2023

“To Him Who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore. Amen”
Jude 24-25
As a young child, I remember how impossible it was for my mother to keep a watchful eye on all of us. But I knew that behind her was my father, who kept me from mishaps. My dad was there when I took my first step. While I was weak, my father was so strong. The awareness of being protected like that encouraged me to run and keep getting up after I stumbled. I am fortunate to have these memories.
Today’s Scripture is from the letter of Jude, and it is a favorite of mine, perhaps because he was the half-brother of Jesus and, like me, he was skeptical for many years about Jesus’ claims. After Jesus’ resurrection, Jude became a believer and stood firm in his faith, defending God’s truth no matter the cost. In the same way, it took time and many family members’ prayers to bring me to Christ. But once Jesus opened my eyes to who He is, I have never wavered.
I was lucky to have an earthly father who set a beautiful example. Still, the truth is, we all have to make a choice to enter into this life with our Heavenly Father, who completely accepts us as we are and who is willing to present us, through His Son, faultless before His throne with exceeding joy. When we choose Him, we, like Jude, can celebrate that God keeps us. Now, I cannot understand the degree to which God has to go to sustain each of us until the end, but once we receive Him, we get to stand amazed at His willingness to do so and with great joy!
Jude closes his letter with words often pronounced as a benediction at the end of many church services. I am incredibly thankful for them. These words are so rich. When I hear a pastor begin to say them, I close my eyes and take them in. They satisfy my soul. I need these reminders from God that my security does not rest on me. I need not fear falling away from God, for I rest on His power and not my own. What an encouragement to my thirsty soul at the end of a week. It assures me that God is faithful and able to keep His grip on me.
Next Steps
In our spiritual journey, we sometimes wonder if God is really with us. One thing is true; God is faithful. From beginning to end, the Bible points to Jesus, and this power-packed letter of Jude similarly points to Jesus as the only One and the only person who can keep us from stumbling so that we may be presented to God as pure.
Spend time in His presence meditating on these words “Now to Him …….” As you do, celebrate.