The Power of Seeds
Michael Goggins | April 29, 2022

Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
Matthew 17:20
Within you and me, God has placed intention, ability, and influence. When we lean into these qualities and align them with the light of Jesus, we impact others. What begins as a small act of kindness or a brief moment of empathy could actually be the biggest difference-maker in a person’s life.
When Jesus talks about a mustard seed, He is speaking about the power within a seed to grow. If light, oxygen, and water can transform a seed into a thriving plant, a similar thing can happen with our acts of faith. As we listen to people, try to serve others, and work for justice, these interactions create opportunities for change.
When faith drives our actions, one step of faith is all it takes to create change. One of our Willow Chicago strategic partners started with a small, mustard-seed action. Breakthrough Urban Ministries began with a founder serving coffee to adults experiencing homelessness. Within the past year, 586 men and women received essential resources such as food, showers, laundry, and technology through Breakthrough’s support centers.
To you and me, Jesus promises that nothing will be impossible for us. He asks us to take steps of faith. My challenge to you during Celebration of Hope is this question: What will you allow God to grow in you? Is it giving to our global partners? Will you catch up with a friend and include an invitation to join you for seed packing? How about focusing on our global partners and praying for them?
You never quite know what you do in life that leaves a seed behind that grows into an oak tree.
Michael Portillo
Next Steps
- Journal or write down a step of faith you would like to take in this season.
- Do you know someone who needs encouragement? Is there a tangible way you can reach out to encourage them?
- A life verse is a verse from the Bible that you use to ground and guide the current season in your life. If you have one, prayerfully reflect on it today. If not, prayerfully choose a verse that resonates with you.